Boatman’s Story
They run nigh to the largest ship and when within hail of hir were desired to keep off, which they did, but upon their tacking from them were called back and no sooner alongside than Andrew Paton was ordered on board and carried down to the Caben where he continued about two hourse. Stevens while on the Gunnel observed that all the officers on the quarterdeck were drest in Blew turn’d up with white the same as in the British Navy. the ship had three boats & a Norway shaft belonging to her, one of which boats were out, and armed with four serwivels & Small Arms, two Officers a Cocksween & eight men. They think the boat is Spanish or Frensch build by having apron bow … The lower deck ports being Eight of a side were all fast caulht in. She had fifteen ports on Each Side on the upper deck with three guns on Each Side of the quarter deck … The officer on the quarter deck ask’t Patton what force was in Lieth Road & was answered two armed ships and two cutters soon after which they put into the boat a bagg containing 100 weight Gun Powder with a letter addressed to Sir John Anstruther with Captain Johnston of the Romley’s compliments to Sir John and that he had retained Patton as a Pilot for Lieth Roads and sent him (Sir John) the powder for his own defence desiring the payment might be made to [blank] house in Edinburgh when demanded. The whole Crew were Clean drest and seemed all to be British that nothing but English was spoken while they were along side.