Statement of the Master of the Barcelona Packet
“Sworn before me, this 30th day of June, 1772, William Young”
“James Eastment, mariner, and late master of the Barcelona Packet, maketh oath, and saith, That Mungo Maxwell, carpenter, formerly on board the John, Captain John Paul, master, came in good health on board his, this deponent’s said vessel, then laying in Great Rockley Bay, in the island of Tobago, about the middle of the month of June, in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy, in the capacity of carpenter, aforesaid; that he acted as such in every respect in perfect health for some days after he came on board this deponent’s said vessel, the Barcelona Packet; after which he was taken ill of a fever and lowness of spirits, which continued for four or five days, when he died on board the said vessel, during her passage from Tobago to Antigua. And this deponent further saith, that he never heard the said Mungo Maxwell complain of having received any ill usage from the said Captain John Paul; but that he, this deponent, verily believes the said Mungo Maxwell’s death was ocassioned by a fever and lowness of spirits, as aforesaid, and not by or through any other cause or causes whatsoever.
“James Eastment”
“Sworn at the Mansion House, London, this 30th of January, 1773, before me, JAMES TOWNSEND, Mayor”